Suatu hari seorang pendeta yang terkenal di daerahnya didatangi oleh seorang jemaat. Jemaat tersebut buta sejak lahir. Jemaat tersebut berkata........"Pak Pendeta, sudilah kiranya Anda menyembuhkan Mata saya yang sudah Buta sejak lahir"
Lantas sang pendeta berkata, "Baiklah kalau begitu....Namun...Saya mau bertanya SATU hal. DENGAN APAKAH Bapak datang kemari ?"
One day a famous preacher in the area was visited by a parishioner. The Church was blind from birth. Thecongregation said ........" Reverend, so good as you heal my eyes are already blind from birth "
Then the preacher said, "Well then .... But ... I want to ask ONE thing. WITH WHAT you come here?"
The church was answered with confidence and enthusiasm, "By Faith!"
Then the preacher said, "Well then .... But ... I want to ask ONE thing. WITH WHAT you come here?"
The church was answered with confidence and enthusiasm, "By Faith!"
Kemudian sang pendeta berkata dengan penuh sukacita, "Bagus! Maka dengan imanmu pulalah kamu akan disembuhkan"
Sang Jemaat pun berbisik kepada cucunya yang bernama Iman, "Psstt.... Man, Man, kenapa kamu tidak bilang dari dulu kalau kamu bisa menyembuhkan Kakek!!??
Bikin Malu Kakek Aja Deh!
Pendeta, " !@#!?#! "
Cucu, " ??! "
Then the preacher said joyfully, "Good! So with your faith you will be healed also the"
The congregation had whispered to her grandson named Faith, "Psstt .... Faith, Faith, why do not you tellfrom the first if you can heal Grandpa!?
Grandpa's so shy about it!
Pastor, "!@#!?#!"
Grandchildren, "?"
The congregation had whispered to her grandson named Faith, "Psstt .... Faith, Faith, why do not you tellfrom the first if you can heal Grandpa!?
Grandpa's so shy about it!
Pastor, "!@#!?#!"
Grandchildren, "?"
hahahaha akhirnya,tercapai juga keinginan untuk mencoba membuat sebuah mini komik yang lucu dan sederhana. Maaf kalau mengecewakan, tapi memang ini hanya berawal dari keisengan dan butuh banyak belajar tentunya. Senang bisa mengerjakan sesuatu yang menyenangkan. Semoga bisa lanjut terus walau hanya sebuah mini
hahahaha finally, reached also a desire to try to make mini-comics funny and simple.Sorry if I disappoint, but this is only a fad started and it took a lot of studying of course. Glad I could dosomething fun. Hope can hold up to even a mini-comic.
Humor disini dimaksudkan untuk menambah sukacita, menambah gairah dalam pelayanan dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk memojokkan atau menyangkut SARA. (Sex, Agama dan Ras).
Tetapi seperti ada tertulis :
"Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia, semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia" (1 Korintus 2 : 9)
Akhirnya....Saudara saudaraku, bersukacitalah dalam Tuhan (Filipi 3 : 1)
Humor here is intended to add joy, adding excitement to the service and is not intended to disparage orrelated to SARA. (Sex, Religion and Race).
But as it is written:
"What is never seen by the eye, and was never heard by the ear, and that never arise in the human heart,all provided by God for those who love Him" (1 Corinthians 2: 9)
Finally .... brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 3: 1)
But as it is written:
"What is never seen by the eye, and was never heard by the ear, and that never arise in the human heart,all provided by God for those who love Him" (1 Corinthians 2: 9)
Finally .... brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 3: 1)
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