Ini dibuat untuk klien. Dengan konsep keceriaan anak-anak yang bermain. Menyenangkan sekali ketika mengerjakan disain ini. Sketsanya dibuat ketika sedang menemani Mama saya yang tercinta berobat di Singapore. Dan bersyukur sekali, kliennya mau mengerti dan menunggu saya pulang dari Singapore untuk menyelesaikan disainnya. Ada 4 sketsa^^ Yang pertama adalah gambar anak perempuan yang ceria sedang bermain di taman. Yang kedua adalah gambar anak anak yang dengan cerianya bermain di kebun dengan anjing yang lucu. Yang Ketiga adalah gambar anak anak yang dengan gembiranya berangkat ke sekolah dengan teman teman dan buku buku pelajarannya. Dan yang keempat adalah gambar anak anak yang sedang memancing dengan gembira.
It made for a client. With the concept of joy of children playing. It was great when working on this design.Sketches made while accompanying my beloved mother treatment in Singapore. And so grateful that his client would understand and wait for my return from Singapore to complete the design. There are 4sketches ^ ^ The first is an upbeat picture of girls playing in the park. The second is a picture of a cheerfulchildren playing in the garden with a cute dog. The third is a picture of the happy children went to schoolwith friends and books textbook. And the fourth is a picture of a child who was fishing with joy.
It made for a client. With the concept of joy of children playing. It was great when working on this design.Sketches made while accompanying my beloved mother treatment in Singapore. And so grateful that his client would understand and wait for my return from Singapore to complete the design. There are 4sketches ^ ^ The first is an upbeat picture of girls playing in the park. The second is a picture of a cheerfulchildren playing in the garden with a cute dog. The third is a picture of the happy children went to schoolwith friends and books textbook. And the fourth is a picture of a child who was fishing with joy.
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