Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Welcome to MEMOIRE!

Haiiiii, Welcome to Memoire^^ My name is Andreas Ardiansyah (Dreyah Madja).
Hehehe MEMOIRE artinya Memory, so hope u have a good memory with my Design and Art!
Disini isinya sebenarnya hanya hobi saja^^ Yeahh it's just my Hobby!!
I Do What I Like and I Like What I Do!

If You need Something New and Fresh for your Design and Concept, hehehe let me Help you^^
Spice Up your Idea! Memoire will give u Exciting n Fun Design, Deliciously Art and Ilustration for your Imagination^^ And let me take a Photo for your Design too! With my Canon 7D, hehehe it's gonna be fun guys! Just be a good model and let me take a photo of you^^
Maybe I'm not the Best one, but I will Do All My Best for You^^

Just call me at 0818 815 128 (by Appointment only)
or send your email to : memoire215@gmail.com

So hope u enjoy it! And have a Blast yooooo!!

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