Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Pink Kiss

Hahaha this one is about "Pink Kiss"
I Like it,hehehe buat ilustrasi kartun cewek^^

When I see you, I smile.
When I hear you, I listen.
When I touch you, I feel you.
When I kiss you, I love you!

If a kiss could say
just how i love you..
 My lips would be on yours


Kisses kept are wasted; 
Love is to be tasted. 
There are some you love, I know; 
Be not loathe to tell them so. 
Lips go dry and eyes grow wet 
Waiting to be warmly met. 
Keep them not in waiting yet; 
Kisses kept are wasted.
~ Edmund Vance Cooke ~

 You should be kissed and often and by someone who knows how.
~ Rhett Butler, "Gone With the Wind" ~

When you kiss me without uttering a single word you speak to my soul.
~ Author Unknown ~

Kissing is like drinking salted water, you drink, and your thirst increases.
~ Chinese Proverb ~

A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years.
~ Rupert Brooke ~

The soul that can speak through the eyes can also kiss with a gaze.
~ Gustavo Adolfo Becquer ~

The kiss, a sweet discovery of oneself after a long search.
~ Author Unknown ~

Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Jesus Loves The Children

Hehehe This made ​​for the purposes of the church, GKI Nurdin, the concept is simple, that Jesus loves the children.Will teach the Faith, Love and Hope of salvation than Jesus.
Hope u like it!

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world; Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus died for all the children,
All the children of the world; Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight; Jesus died the little children of the world.

Jesus rose for all the children,
All the children of the world; Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight; Jesus arose the little children of the world.

Jesus wants the little children,
To be careful what they do; Honor father, mother dear
Keep their hearts so full of cheer; Then he'll take them home to glory by and by.

hehehe Hope u Like it^^
Always remember that Big J in Heaven loves u!

Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Please Be On Time!

Please Be On Time!
this one for standing banner,hehehe at 2011^^

Long Time ago at Komisi Remaja

Wow! This one is long long long time ago^^
When I was active at Komisi Remaja GKI Nurdin.
Hmmm....It's been a long time,hehehe
I Have a lot of goodtime memory in here,hehehe
Good Friends in ministry, as a Singer and MC too^^
So much fun!
This is a design of book cover for Liturgy.
Ofcourse the liturgy for Youth Commission at GKI Nurdin.
Yup, hope u like it!

This is a design of book cover for Song Book.
Ofcourse the the song book for Youth Commission at GKI Nurdin.
I remember that KORG Keyboard, hahaha^^
The keyboard player also beautiful,hahaha she is my friend's young sister^^ 
If I not mistake, it wasyear 2000,hehehe
Hehehe hope u like it!
(hmmm....I'm not sure both of the books are still in Youth Commision GKI Nurdin,hehehe but it's okay anyway^^)

Cinema Of Life - 2008

Hahaha this one is the old one for my Churh at 2008.
Tepatnya for De'Komuda (De'Komisi Pemuda GKI Nurdin)
The idea is Cinema of Life^^
Untuk acara Bulan Penyambutan Pemuda 2008,
membahas Christian Worl View! Mantaps!!
So Much fun^^
hehehe Bersyukur untuk komunitas persekutuan
di komisi pemuda, bisa belajar banyak!
Thx God for that^^
Hipe u like it guys!

PingPing-This is My Profession!

Cover Depan

Cover Belakang

PingPing The Doctor!

PingPing The Police!
Hahaha terinspirasi dari seragam Polisi Indonesia,
warna cokelat semua dahhh,hehehe 

PingPing The Cooking Master!

PingPing The Teacher^^

PingPing The Carpenter

Hehehehe Yup this is the Last PingPing Adventure^^
Menampilkan PingPing dalam aneka profesi kerja.
Untuk Buku Mewarnai tentunya,
Benar-benar menyenagkan^^
Paling suka mungkin Dokter dan Tukang Kayu,hahaha
Suka dengan atribut dan pakaiannya^^
Tapi yang lainnya juga lucu, yang profesi guru
seperti profesor pula,wakakakakaka
Hope U Like it!!

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

PingPing-Let's Go To The Space!

Cover Depan

Cover Belakang

Hahaha Surfing di angkasa nih idenya^^
Inget film lama Back To The Future yang kembali ke masa depan, bener-bener tertarik dengan skateboard yang bisa terbang...kereenn!

Dengan baju astrounot yang ngepas ama body nya PingPing,hehehe ready to go to the space with PingPing!!
UFO PingPing

Let's Go To The Space!!

Space Alien^^ With Alien Space Ship

This is not The Three Idiots,wakakakaka
Cute Alien with Two Robots^^

Hmmm....what do we call this Space Ship??
Space Pinguin?? hehehe

Hohoho Futuristic Space Ship^^

Hahaha This is the other story of PingPing's Adventure!
Kalau sebelumnya sudah ke Pantai (Beach) dan
ke Peternakan (Farm), sekarang PingPing
berpetualang ke Angkasa deh^^
Bener bener menyenagkan waktu ngerjain idenya,hehe
maklum...Penggemar Berat Star Trek The Next Generation!
Hahaha dari kecil selalu berfantasi sebagai petualang angkasa dengan
naik Pesawat USS Enterprise nya Star Trek, lengkap dengan
seragam dan phaser laser and teleportnya^^
Hope u like it...PingPing Let's Go To The Space!

Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

PingPing-Let's GoTo The Beach

Cover Depan
"Ping-Ping: Let's Go To The Beach"

Cover Belakang
"Ping-Ping: Let's Go To The Beach"

Hehehe Little Mermaid alias Putri Duyung
di dalam Kerang^^

Hehehe Another Mermaid again,
modelnya sih ambil dari salah satu Princess Disney,
Ariel The Little Mermaid,hahaha because I Love Ariel The Little Mermaid!!

Hey ketemu lagi dengan Petualangan Ping-Ping the Penguin^^
Kali ini dalam petualangan di Pantai!
So jadilah "PingPing-Let's Go To The Beach"
untuk seri buku mewarnai lagi.
So Much fun here, soalnya suka dengan laut, pantai,hohoho
apalagi berhubungan dengan putri duyung^^
Ping-Ping dibuat dengan nuansa pantai tentunya,hehehe
Hope u like Ping-Ping!

PingPing-Let's Go To The Farm!

Hey, this is "Ping-Ping" the Penguin^^ 
Hehehe Let's Go To The Farm with Ping-Ping!
Project buat buku mewarnai dengan tokoh Ping-Ping,
so much fun with Ping-Ping^^ Uda lama sekali nih project, dibuat berseri.
Hope u Like it!

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Welcome to MEMOIRE!

Haiiiii, Welcome to Memoire^^ My name is Andreas Ardiansyah (Dreyah Madja).
Hehehe MEMOIRE artinya Memory, so hope u have a good memory with my Design and Art!
Disini isinya sebenarnya hanya hobi saja^^ Yeahh it's just my Hobby!!
I Do What I Like and I Like What I Do!

If You need Something New and Fresh for your Design and Concept, hehehe let me Help you^^
Spice Up your Idea! Memoire will give u Exciting n Fun Design, Deliciously Art and Ilustration for your Imagination^^ And let me take a Photo for your Design too! With my Canon 7D, hehehe it's gonna be fun guys! Just be a good model and let me take a photo of you^^
Maybe I'm not the Best one, but I will Do All My Best for You^^

Just call me at 0818 815 128 (by Appointment only)
or send your email to : memoire215@gmail.com

So hope u enjoy it! And have a Blast yooooo!!